2025 League Fees and Divisions
Please also see WHGSL Skills Milestones by Division
Rookie Division (typically Pre-K and K)
Base Cost: $75
The Rookie League Division is generally for 4- and 5-year-old players, typically in pre-K or kindergarten. Players must be 4 years old by January 1st. The focus in this division will be on introducing softball as a sport and developing basic softball skills through fun drills and games. At this age, 10” safety softballs are used with a mix of batting tees and coach pitch.
Games: Played Saturdays at 1 pm at Sterling Field from late April through mid-June.
Practices: No practices.
Team Assignment: Players will be assigned to teams based on age and utilizing friend requests. Please note friend requests in registration. We will do our best to accommodate all requests. Players will be contacted with team assignments by mid-April. Players returning to the same division for a second season will remain with the same team.
Uniform & Equipment: Registration fee includes t-shirt, socks and hat which do not need to be returned at end of season. Players must provide their own glove. League provides helmets, bats, balls, and tees for team use during practices/games.
Training Division (typically 1st and 2nd grade)
Base Cost: $125
The Training League Division is generally for 6- and 7-year-old players in 1st and 2nd grade. 5-year-old players with a year of prior experience may be selected to a training team. Focus in this division will be on introducing softball as a sport and developing basic softball skills through fun drills and games. At this age, 11” safety softballs are used with a mix of batting tees and coach pitch.
Games: Played two times a week Monday through Thursday at 5:30 pm at Sterling Field or Norfeldt Field from late April through mid-June.
Practices: One practice per week in season.
Team Assignment: Players will be assigned to teams based on age and experience and utilizing friend requests. Please note friend requests in registration. We will do our best to accommodate all requests. Players will be contacted with team assignments by mid-April. Players returning to the same division for a second season will remain with the same team.
Uniform & Equipment: Registration fee includes Little League uniform shirt, socks and hat which will be kept by the player at the end of the season. Players must provide their own GRAY SOFTBALL PANTS and a glove. League provides helmets, bats, balls, tees, and catcher's gear for team use during practices/games.
Minors Division (typically 3rd and 4th grades)
Base Cost: $145
The Minor League Division is generally for 8- and 9-year-old players in 3rd and 4th grade. 7-year-old players with a year of prior experience may be selected to a minor’s team. This division uses an 11” softball with players pitching at 35’ and teenaged umpires, when available. Playing experience is not required and all experience levels are welcome (10-year-old players with little or no experience could choose or be recommended to play minors instead of majors). This division is designed to teach the finer skills of the game of softball and to further develop individual skills including pitching, catching and the outfield. There is a playoff tournament for all teams at the end of the regular season concluding with a Championship Game.
Games: Played two times a week Monday through Thursday at 6pm at Sterling Field or Norfeldt Field from late April through mid-June.
Practice: One practice per week mid/late April (pre-season). In-season practices are held on Saturday mornings at Sterling Field or Norfeldt Field.
Skills Assessment: All players will be required to attend the skills assessment night to be held in March (date/location TBD). Playing experience is not required and all experience levels are welcome. This is not a tryout.
Team Assignment: Assignment to teams is based on player assessment by WHGSL with consideration given to balance of ages and friend requests. Please note friend requests in registration. We will do our best to accommodate all requests. Siblings will be assigned to the same teams. Players will be contacted with team assignments by mid-April. Players returning to the same division for a second season will remain with the same team. The season will begin late April or early May and end in mid-June.
Uniform & Equipment: Registration fee includes Little League uniform shirt, socks and hat which will be kept by the player at the end of the season. Players must provide their own GRAY SOFTBALL PANTS and a glove. League provides helmets, bats, balls, tees, and catcher's gear for team use during practices/games.
Majors Division (typically 5th and 6th grade)
Base Cost: $145
The Major League Division is generally for 10- and 11-year-old players in 5th and 6th grade. 9-year-old players who have played at least 1 year of Minor Division softball may try out for majors. This division uses a 12” softball with player pitching (40’) and board-certified umpires. Playing experience is not required and all experience levels are welcome (12-year-old players with little or no experience could choose or be recommended to play majors instead of juniors). This division will teach the finer skills of the game of softball and further develop individual skills including pitching, catching, the outfield, and other play strategies. There is a playoff tournament for all teams at the end of the regular season concluding with a Championship Game.
Games: Played two times a week Monday through Friday at 6pm at Sterling Field and Norfeldt Field, occasionally at Hall H.S. or Conard H.S. fields.
Practice: One or two practices per week begin in mid-April. In-season practices held Saturdays at Sterling Field or Norfeldt Field
Skills Assessment: All players will be required to attend the skills assessment night to be held in March (date/location TBD). Playing experience is not required and all experience levels are welcome. This is not a tryout.
Team Assignment: Assignment to teams is based on player assessments and a draft process. The number of teams and total number of positions available depend on the registration level. Players will be contacted with team assignments by mid-April. Players returning to the same division for a second season will remain with the same team. The season will begin late April or early May and end in mid-June.
Uniform & Equipment: Registration fee includes a Little League uniform shirt, socks and hat/visor which will be kept by the player at the end of the season. Players must provide their own GRAY SOFTBALL PANTS and a glove. League provides helmets, bats, balls, tees, catcher's gear for team use during practices/games.
Junior Division (typically 7th and 8th grade)
Base Cost: $145
The Junior League Division is generally for 12- and 13-year-old players in 7th and 8th grade. 11-year-old players who have played at least 1 year of Majors Division softball may try out for Juniors. This division uses a 12” softball with players pitching (43’) and board-certified umpires. Playing experience is not required and all experience levels are welcome (14-year-old players/HS Freshman who do not wish to play HS softball may play in the Junior Division). This division will teach the finer skills of the game of softball, further develop individual skills including pitching, catching, the outfield and game play strategies as a final step in preparation for play at the High School level. There is a playoff tournament for all teams at the end of the regular season concluding with a Championship Game.
Games: Played two times a week Monday through Friday at 6pm at Sterling Field and Norfeldt Field, occasionally at Hall H.S. or Conard H.S. fields.
Practice: One or two practices per week begin in mid-April. In-season practices are held on Saturdays at Sterling Field or Norfeldt Field.
Skills Assessment: All players will be required to attend the skills assessment night to be held in March (date/location TBD). Playing experience is not required and all experience levels are welcome. This is not a tryout.
Team Assignment: Assignment to teams is based on player assessments and a draft process. The number of teams and total number of positions available depend on the registration level. Players will be contacted with team assignments by mid-April. Players returning to the same division for a second season will remain with the same team. The season will begin late April or early May and end in mid-June.
Uniform & Equipment: Registration fee includes a uniform shirt, socks and hat/visor which will be kept by the player at the end of the season. Players must provide their own BLACK SOFTBALL PANTS and a glove. League provides helmets, bats, balls, tees, and catcher's gear for team use during practices/games.